The PHAETHON Teaming Project 2nd Coordination and Management Meeting took place in Cyprus on 26 March 2024, welcoming representatives from the partner institutions at the facilities of the University of Cyprus (UCY) for a full day of presentations and discussion on the progress of the project implementation and the way forward.

The meeting kicked off with Welcome Addresses and opening remarks by Professor Constantinos Christofides, coordinator of the project at UCY, Dr. Maria KORDA from the Widening Participation Unit, European Research Executive Agency (REA), and Dr. Charalambos Papatryfonos from the Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy.

During the first session, Dr. George Makrides (UCY) presented the progress on the management and coordination of the project and the way forward, whilst Professor George E. Georghiou (UCY) outlined the CoE’s establishment, management, and human resource recruitment, giving special emphasis on the structure of the PHAETHON Centre of Excellence and highlighting the importance of ensuring quality assurance processes, attracting best talent, and simultaneously being competitive in attracting funding. Professor Georghiou also presented the Institutional trainings to be delivered by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and the University of Groningen (UG) as Advanced Partners.

The project meeting continued with presentations on capacity building, research programme, education, and training, which was presented by Dr. George Makrides, while Mr. Henrik W. Binder (DTU) delved into key facets of the CoE’s research infrastructure.

The afternoon session featured presentations on innovation, acceleration, and networking by Margarita Kyprianou (Cyprus Seeds) and Asger Riis Rasmussen (DTU), the Smart Energy Community Research Project by George Makrides (UCY), and the activities to date regarding the dissemination, exploitation, and sustainability of the project by Mr. John C. Mavris (UCY).

The future is looking bright, with the dynamic Consortium partners concertedly working towards establishing the PHAETHON Centre of Excellence, a world-class Centre of Excellence dedicated to advancing Research and Innovation in intelligent, efficient, and sustainable energy solutions.